581 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pelaksanaan reformasi birokrasi, serta menawarkan beberapa solusi untuk perbaikan layanan administrasi perizinan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus instrumental. Lokasi penelitian dilaksanakan di Dinas Perizinan Kabupaten Buton. Teknik pengumpulan data  yang  digunakan, yaitu:  wawancara mendalam, studi  dokumen  dan  observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan reformasi birokrasi dalam pelayanan administrasi perizinan, dari aspek Kelembagaan bahwa pelayanan perizinan Kabupaten Buton sudah berbentuk Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (One Stop Service); aspek Sumber Daya Manusia bahwa kualifikasi pegawai yang ada tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan organisasi, kedisiplinan dan tanggungjawab pegawai relatif masih rendah. Reformasi tata kelola daerah dimulai dengan bentuk otonomi daerah. Otonomi daerah mewakili kewenangan untuk mengatur bisnis pemerintahan memiliki karakter lokalitas sesuai dengan inisiatif saja sesuai dengan aspirasi masyarakat. Reformasi tata kelola daerah bertujuan untuk menjadi lebih memaksimalkan layanan fungsi lebih memiliki karakter lokalitas publik. Reformasi pelaksanaan tata kelola daerah dapat dilakukan dengan berhubungan dengan konsepsi mengenai pelayanan publik baru yang berorientasi pada pelayanan masyarakat memiliki karakter responsif terhadap berbagai nilai publik dan kepentingan dan juga non diskriminatif

    Impact of Fire on Mechanical Properties of Slurry Infiltrated Fiber Concrete (SIFCON)

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    This research aims to shed light on the fire flame effect on some mechanical properties of SIFCON samples, such as compressive strength, flexural strength and modulus of elasticity and comparing the results with CEN design curve and CEB. Higher temperature resistance is one of the most important parameters affecting the durability and service life of the material. This study comprised of casting and testing SIFCON specimens with 6% fiber volume before and after exposure to elevated temperatures. Two fire exposure duration of 1 and2 hours were investigate. In addition to room temperature, Silica fume was used as a partial replacement (10%) by weight of cement. It was found from the results achieved that after exposure to high temperatures, compressive strength, flexural strength and elastic modulus decreased. The drastically reduction of compressive strength took place with increasing temperature.  The residual compressive strength, flexural strength and elastic modulus at 1010 °C were in the range of (58.4 to 80.1%), (81.6 to 78.7%) and (30.4 to 32.8%) respectively. The compressive strength test results of this study together with results obtained by other investigators were compared with CEB strength-reduction curve and that of CEN. It was noticed that the test results agreed with CEN design curve rather than with that of CEB


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    Islamic economical system has its’ own system. It is not a combination between capitalism and sosialism. Islamic economicalsystem did not put human as a central (anthroposentrism) but as a God servant (âbid) that should serve and carry out the tasks entrusted to the servant (khalîfah). Therefore, the economic practice must uphold the values of ownership, the values of justice, freedom, balance, and in accordance with the fraternity and togetherness guided by religious teachings in order to create good personal living arrangements, social and nationalDOI: 10.15408/aiq.v4i1.254

    Exploring the nexus between banking stability and market value: Evidence from the Iraqi banking sector

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    Purpose: This study aims to investigate the relationship between banking stability and market value in the Iraqi banking sector, exploring how the stability of banks impacts their market capitalization. Methodology: The study employs a quantitative approach, utilizing financial ratios such as return on assets, equity/assets, and the z-score index to quantify banking stability. Market value is measured using banks' share prices and outstanding shares. A sample of 17 Iraqi banks is analyzed over a four-year period, employing statistical analysis to examine the relationship between banking stability and market value. Results: The findings reveal a positive relationship between banking stability and market value. Banks with strong risk management practices, adequate capital buffers, and effective regulatory oversight inspire greater confidence among depositors and investors, translating into higher market valuations. Conversely, banks facing poor governance, high non-performing loans, and thin capital cushions struggle to achieve stability, eroding their market value. Theoretical Contribution: The study contributes to the existing literature by providing empirical evidence on the crucial role of banking stability in shaping market valuations. It highlights the importance of sound banking practices, regulatory frameworks, and risk management in enhancing investor confidence and, ultimately, the market value of banks. Practical Implications: The findings offer insights for policymakers, regulators, and financial institutions in Iraq and other regions. Promoting banking stability through enhanced prudential oversight, governance practices, risk management capabilities, and financial inclusion can favorably impact the market valuation and development of the banking system


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    This study examined the effect of world oil prices, inflation, and net exports on economic growth in Indonesia. This study used time-series data from 1981-to 2020 obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics of Indonesia and Bank Indonesia. The data were then analyzed using Autoreggresive Distributed Lagregression analysis with the help of Eviews. The results indicated that oil prices and net exports positively and significantly influenced economic growth in Indonesia. It means that if oil prices and net exports increase, then economic growth in Indonesia will also increase. Meanwhile, inflation negatively and insignificantly influenced economic growth in Indonesia. It indicates that if inflation increases, the economic growth in Indonesia will decrease

    Management of allergic fungal sinusitis with postoperative oral and nasal steroids: a controlled study.

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    In Patients with allergic fungal sinusitis, the mainstay of treatment remains surgical removal of allergic mucin and fungal debris. But as a single modality, surgery is associated with high rates of recurrence, so a number of adjunctive medical modalities have been tried, including postoperative corticosteroid therapy. We conducted a study of 63 Patients with allergic fungal sinusitis who underwent endoscopic sinus surgery with or without postoperative steroid therapy. A group of 30 Patients who had been treated prior to January 2000 had undergone surgery only, their cases were reviewed retrospectively, and they served as historical controls. Another 33 Patients who were treated after June 2000 underwent surgery plus oral and nasal steroid therapy. All Patients were followed for a minimum of 2 years. Recurrences were seen in 50.0% (15/30) of the no-steroid group and 15.2% (5/33) of the steroid group-a statistically significant difference (p = 0.008). The results of our study strongly support the use of steroids to control allergic fungal sinusitis and prevent its recurrence, and we recommend further study to identify the optimal dosage and duration of therapy
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